If you find yourself in trouble with the law, you need to make sure you are doing everything you can to prevent the case from spiraling out of control further. Trying to handle the case on your own could end up leading to more and more problems. When faced with a potential felony charge, you need to make sure you do everything you can to protect yourself. Don’t make one of these mistakes in your criminal case.…
If you’re convicted of a criminal offense, will you lose your license to practice medicine? The answer may depend partially on what crime you committed and partially on the state in which you live. This is what you should know about criminal convictions, your medical license, and your ability to continue to practice in general:
The Reaction Of The State Licensing Board
Most states have a set of professional standards to which they expect doctors to adhere.…
Even if you are a cautious soul, accidents happen. Maybe you tripped over a piece of frayed carpet or, worse, took a tumble down the stairs when the handrail broke. If you are injured during a fall in your rented apartment or home, when is your landlord liable?
Common Falls
Stairs are the location of many accidents. If the center part of the steps is worn down, you can easily slip whether the surface is wood or carpet.…